Seemingly disparate bites of information feed my mind. I will attempt chew, swallow and digest.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

now you can track your every movement and find other who do the same

I just installed this new application on my blackberry and am, like much 'future' technology, I tend to be an early adopter, which means that I have no 'friends' or gFriends if you will (g for google) who also have installed the program. But I would imagine such a 'friend finder' would go over well in a more populated area such a NY or Asia.

What are the future implications of such a technology. Could this lead to the further erosion of social skills and the further closing our selves off in public space and hiding behind technology? Ah, of course, instead of looking around and being aware of our environment, it's another "extension" of our senses. We pour our senses, out ears and eyes into devices that promise to do more for us than we can do for ourselves. But at what cost? The movie Wall-e comes to mind with everyone plugged into their floating chairs in the spaceship. But perhaps some other, still unknown use may come out of this. What do you think?


Rachael said...

This is a really interesting new feature. I suppose it's not that technologically advanced, but I think that that the fact someone would think of setting up a program like this really says a lot about our society now. It really feeds into that distanced kind of voyeuristic mode of connection to other people. You don't ever have to talk to someone to find out how their life has been going, just google track them and then look at their facebook, twitter or blog and you know where they've been and what they're thinking.

Unknown said...

Wow, what an interesting perspective. "Erosion of social skills" is probably dead-on--both embarrassing and hilarious to me at the same time.

Is the program made for tracking locations of friends you already know? Or new friends? With the first one, it reminds me of Twitter--some see it as annoying, invasive, or useless updates from friends via phone. For me and my group of friends, it's totally practical. We think of it as a kind-of text-messaging-chat-room, mostly for hooking up for lunch or Target runs.

How did people ever communicate without cell phones?! I am totally that one fat lady in a chairpod on Wall-E. Cupcake in a cup? Now that's something I could get behind.

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