Seemingly disparate bites of information feed my mind. I will attempt chew, swallow and digest.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

McDonalds TV ads, a social commentary

McDonald's commercials have asked Americans to buy food for decades. Seen as a whole from the start in 1967 through today. The commercials reveal a complex social commentary. The evolution of video and advertising in the commercials reveal the evolution of art and technology through the decades. Even more interesting, though, is the sales techniques employed in the commercials and how they have evolved to target a wide-range of consumer demographic segments. Some commercials employ use of gross stereotypes while others try to tie-in the food with being active, creative, business-oriented, or middle class, etc.

looking back on TV shows of the past reveals the different cultural values of the time period, what was considered socially acceptable, and how people viewed themselves.

see more here:


Ruthie said...

I found that commercial so funny... Not only is the acting bad, but the timing, the dialogue, and the "special effects" are terrible as well. The dialogue is scary and reminds me so much of a certain Barney episode that aired only once: "Strangers are just friends you haven't met." Who thought that was a good idea?

Liz Metzfield said...

Wow! That is crazy!! I love to compare things like this to what they've become. It really forces you to think about how much progress we've made technologically, and also shows how much the human race has changed. No one would ever see this ad, in this day and age, and feel inspired to buy a hamburger. Ever. Nice find!

Elise Marie said...

I will say this, I was utterly and completely horrified (in a good way) when I saw this. I probably woke up my roommate, I was laughing so hard. I guess it really just goes to show you how much times and tastes have changed.

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